Monday, July 19, 2010


The most popular of all recreation drugs. Marijuana, Grass, Hemp, Dope, or Pot.
Marijuana has been grown and cultivated for hundreds of years.
There is more then just one purpose to Marijuana. It can be used for hemp products, which have no potency as all the THC has been removed. It can also be used for cancer patients to help them gain a bigger appetite. It is a phsycodelic and physcoactive drug. It can be ground down to isolate the crystalized sap, and then pressed into a solid, turning it then into hash. Or it can be smoked as leaves or flowered buds.
Effects of smoking pot are almost immediate. Producing a slightly drunk feeling, a little euphoric, it can be strong depending on how it entered the body. It is not generally debilitating, unless, unlike anything is used in excess.
It causes mental confusion that is temporary for the most part but can last weeks after quitting.
Perhaps this may be the most debilitating and addicting of all drugs. Heroine also known as diamorphine is a derivative or morphine. Used originally in WW1 as a pain killer for patients who had become amputees in the war. it was originally created by the BAYER company which now produced Tylenol. .
Users experience extreme exhilaration and well being.
It can be smoked, sniffed or injected.
Few people can cope with the withdrawl symptoms. They include feelings which users called feeling SICK , they can also include, severe cramps, nausea, shaking, twitching, and craving feelings of the soothing drug. Most of the time that severley strong craving causes its users to commit crimes to fund there next fix.

Cocaine is derived from the COCA. Before it became a recreational drug, it was chewed as a leaf by the peruvian indians for 100s of years. For the first 20 years of its productions, Coca cola used cocaine in its soda. In the early 1900s it was prohibited. Generally through its use, it has been known as the rich mans drug, due to it being so expensive.
A modified version of the street drug is boiled down to a rock and smoked in a pipe. Also called Crack Cocaine. Cocaines withdrawls arnt as severe as some drugs, but can be lethal in the end.
Closely linked to the derivative of Amphetamines. Ecstacy or MDMA was originally use as a physco therapeutic drug. It decreases levels of fear and increases level of intimiacy. It is one of the most widely used recreational drugs but is extremley dangerous.
It is taken orally or snorted. In its early years many first instances were lethal and many of the people died from its first use. It is extremly exerting and causes severe dehydration. Many of the factories producing MDMA, have gross pharmalogical ingredients and unclean surfaces resulting in severe illness.
These drugs work by effecting to serintonin and dopamine levels in the brain. They generally produce a feeling of focus and euphoria in its users.
The common name for amphetamines is speed because of the increased energy one gets.
It is also know as crystal meth because of the crystal like form it comes in.
Crystal meth is becoming more and more widely used. I come from the town of Stratford Ontario. Growing up Meth wasnt even in existence. Now stratford (28.000 people) has been 4 th rated on the list of highest meth use and productions. In third is philadephia and below us is chicago. This tells just how fast crystal meth use is growing and at what rate people are starting to use it. Adolph Hitler was daily injected with a mix of emphetamines and vitamins.
I was made extremly popular by disco goers in the 1970s.
Now is used as a nightclub drug.

Solvents are an extremly distasteful class of substances, and are found easily in hardware stores, your local walmart or even corner store. Including keyboard cleaners, glass cleaner and bicycle inner tube repair glue. It was popularized in the late 70s by the punk rock crowd.
A child in the phillipines like the picture above, can go by a can of repair glue for 25 cents and have that bottle last him 2 days, while taking him out of the world he no longer wants to exist in.
It gives the users feeling of contentment and warmth. Gas lighter fuel, nail polish and patrol are also used as solvents. Many have died of suffocation in this process, which makes this among the most dangerous and stupid drugs to do.

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