Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Kats of Kitchener
Monday, July 19, 2010
10 Ways To Spark Up Your Relationship!
1)- HAVE FUN PLAY GAMES: Along with the pressures and routines of everyday life, things may get a little serious. So if you think sex has become a chore like any other that needs to be performed, then find ways to have fun, play games, or tell a naughty joke. Something that will make you both laugh, even when you are in bed. Try playing a sexy game like Strip Poker, this is one game, you CANT lose at!
2)- BE INNOVATIVE: If your bored with the turn your sex life has taken, its time for a change. Its probably about time you looked at things and tryed something new, If your used to doing it with the lights off, try diffused lighting, or infront of the fire, or having the room only lit by candles. The shadows have an erotic sexy feel and will spice things up. If you think it may just be you, try reading sex magazines or learning a few new tricks! Practice makes perfect!
3)- VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE: If you partner is the kind of person that likes kinky sex, try sex toys, (dont let it get to the point of you being uncomfortable). Maybe trying waking up early and luring your spouse into a hot steamy shower. If sex usually doesnt just HAPPEN, use this to your advantage and put some extra planning into sex. Add roses to the red, bedside wine glasses, or some sexy whipcream.
4) FORGIVE AND MOVE ON: Forgive your partner outloud for a mistake he or she has made. Its fine to explain the impact it just made, but move on and dont let it make things worse. Forgiveness invites empathy into the relationship and helps both realize there human.
5) GIVE LOVE: How does your partner like to receive Get to know how your partner likes to receive love. Suppose you used to give your boyfriend or girlfriend gifts in the beginning of the relationship but have come to realize that they enjoy services better. Next times hes away take his car for a tune-up, burn him a CD with his favorite songs or do sumthing sweet, out of the ordinary.
6)- CHEAP DATE IDEAS: Winery----Youd be suprised how many places have these and offer tours for cheap. Get drunk with your date for a very small amount. Wine tasting and holding hands couldnt be more romantic. Get Classy---- Rent bikes or use your own, biking around town couldnt be better for you, or more romantic, when you get have a cool shower. Even better! TOGETHER.
7)- WORK IT OUT: Hiking outdoors, or indoor excercise can work as intimacy equity. Sweating releases pharamones. A great lil hormone that makes you want sex!
8)- HOLD HANDS AND CUDDLE: Scientists prove that even 20 seconds of holding hands or cuddling, can release ocytocin also know as the cuddle horomone. Something that usually releases in woman during there period. But cuddling, kissing and snugglin up in bed can release these great hormones and spark up things in your love life!
9)- GO TO A MUSEUM: intellectual stimulation goes hand in hand with intimacy. Spending time with your loved one outside the bedroom can affect all that goes into the bedroom later.
10)- GO TO A NIGHT CLUB: Some couples wake up and realize they havent gone dancing in 15 years! Doing little things like this can help you realize why you fell in love in the first place!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The 5 most over-rated tourist attractions in the world!
The build-up: Angkor boasts some of the most jaw dropping buddhist monuments in south east Asia.
The Reality: Unfortunatly theres no getting around the crowds here. The days when Angkor were remote and still are sadly long gone. The temples are now firmly on the sight seeing circuit.
The alternative: Escape the crowded temples of Angkor, and head to the far less touristy Borobudur, Indonesia- one of the true wonders of the buddhist culture.
The build-up: Theres no doubt that machu picchu holds its own as a tourist spot, as it holds the magic of the Inca.
The Reality: The walk to the Machu Picchu is not a pleasant one and the entrance fee has risen to more then 25 pounds. 300 american dollars. The amount of money you spend during the day can reach over 600 including the bus which is the only means of transportation in and out of the city. That is if you are one of the 400 people allowed in there PER day.
The alternative: Want to see the birthplace of the fabled Inca? Give machu Picchu a miss and head for bolivias Isla de Sol, where the civilization first rose to greatness.
The build-up: Tourists have been enthusing about the colosseum since the 18th century, even as a partial ruin, it can still take your breath away.
The reality: Italy's most visited site is often over crowded and has long queues.
The entire building is a traffic roundabout and the precious inside has boards and gallys everywhere, preventing people from touching the walls. Your trip will be so much memorable, especially if you get pick-pocketed.
The Alternative: yes its an ancient cirle or death and glory, but straight across the Adriatic sea, is equally imposing arena in Pula, Croatia.
The build-up: The impressive site was built in the 3rd century. The city holds, rooms, temples, tombs, and stables all made out of one giant rock.
The Reality: The tourism villiage that has grown up around Petra now threatens to outside the ancient city itself.
The Alternative: The extrodinary rock-hewn monuments of lalibela in Ethiopia, challenge Petra in number, artistic accomplishment and above all enivronment.
The build-up: The rocks are gorgeous, dramatic and huge. Anicent paganism revolves around these old rocks.
The Reality: You cant touch it, you cant walk around it, you cant even walk along its perimetre, and you have to pay to stare at rocks.
The alternative: Stonehenge is one of the worlds most megalithic sites- but nearby Avebury, has a much larger stone circle, where people are able to walk among its ruins.
10 Most controversial foods around the world!
With the huge decline in polar bear population due to global warming and trophy hunting. Eating polar bear has become a huge historical controversy. For hundreds of years, they were used for there fur, fat, and oil, as well as there meat (only for aboriginals who stomachs can adapt to this kind of meat). Unfortunately trophy hunting is allowed, and helps fund alot of small arctic communities.
Shark Fin soup. Since the 1300's shark fin soup has been consumed. Shark fin soup is now being served at all restaurants around the world. Shark fishing has become a larger problem then ever before. Due to the increasing rate of Shark fishing, the ocean ecosystem is now in danger to the decline in the shark population.
Must Know Facts!
- Every 3 days a human stomach gets a new lining.
- Orcas (killer whales) when travelling, breathe in unison.
- Of married couples, 70% of men and 60% of woman have cheated on their spouses.
- More people are killed annually by donkeys, then plane crashes.
- No piece of paper, can be folded in half more then 7 times.
- A chicken with red earlobes produces brown eggs, chickens with white ear lobes produce white eggs.
- Serving icecream on cherry pie was once illegal in kansas.
- 2.5 cans of spam are consumed every 5 seconds in the U.S.A
- 1/3 of a pound of broccoli contains more Vitamin C then 204 apples.
- Dipsomania refers to the insatiable craving for alcoholic beverages.
- Macadamia nuts are sold in the shell, because it takes 300 pbs per square of pressure to break the shell.
- When Queen Elizabeth the first die she owned more then 3,000 gowns.
- The shortest war was between Zanzibar and England, Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
- Toronto was the first city in the world to have computerized traffic signals.
- The letter J does not appear anywhere in the pereodic table of elements.
- Sprinkle a little bit of salt in your pain before frying meat, it will cut down on the amount of grease splatter.
- Add a bit of water to the broiling pan before cooking meat. It will make clean up ALOT easier.
- Making meatloaf doesnt have to be so hard! Use muffin tins for indvidual meatloafs, making leftovers a breeze!
- Dipping bacon in cold water before cooking, will stop the bacon from curling up!
- Rub water on both sides of burger before cooking. It will keep the meat alot juicier and tastier.
- When cooking chicken, add about 1 1/2 inches of water in the bottom of the pan, cook your fresh chicken breast in the water for approx 7-10 mins. Cut a small slice to see if the meat is pink. If its white your in the clear! Add garlic or your favorite spice to the water to make the chicken taste great! Cooking chicken in water cuts down on the cholesterol and amount of fat. All the fat boils off into the water, and your left with delicious juicy moist chicken! My FAV!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Worlds Ugliest Animals!
The Aye-aye is currently an endangered species due to the fact that many of the natives in Madagascar view them as an evil omen and kill them on the spot. Definitely one of the worlds ugliest animals, but definitely wouldn't kill a creature no matter how ugly.
Hot Celeb Addicts- Latest News!
Judge Marsha Revel told Lindsay if she wanted to continue to be free on bail she needed to stop drinking and wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet around her ankle as well as have blood alcohol levels checked each week. The judge also said she is not allowed to leave L.A. Her lawyer tried to convince the judge to let her take it off to work, as she had a movie shoot coming up in Texas. The judge wasnt having any of it, and told her to prolong her projects or work around it. The bracelet was slapped on in 24 hours, and any alcohol can be detected through her sweat.July 6th she goes back to jail, if she hasnt followed through with her probation laws then she heads to jail!
Slipknot bassist PAUL GRAY found dead! Paul had a history of drug and alcohol problems. He was arrested in 2003 for possesion of cocaine, marijuana and drug paraphenalia.