Wednesday, June 16, 2010

10 Most controversial foods around the world!

From the Mediterranean to Japan, Atlantic or Northern Blue Fin Tuna is quickly being fished to extinction. Blue fin tuna is highly priced by sushi chefs and is a $7.2 billion dollar industry in Japan. However the way the blue fin tuna is being fished, is now unsustainable. Blue fin is already extinct in the black sea- but there is an outcry from restaurateurs who need to serve it- or lose business.
There's fresh, and then theres "fresh". The controversy behind this plate stems from activists, who say its cruel to eat animals when they re still alive.
In Asia you'll find your fish so fresh its still moving. for example the frog heart is served with the frog cut open right in front of you, while the heart is still beating. Biting into the beating heart is suppose to be a delicacy. Similarly sea urchins and shrimp are served with there whiskers still moving. Baby octopus is served while its still wriggling on your plate. The key is to chew it well so that when you swallow the tentacles don't get stuck on the way down your throat.

With the huge decline in polar bear population due to global warming and trophy hunting. Eating polar bear has become a huge historical controversy. For hundreds of years, they were used for there fur, fat, and oil, as well as there meat (only for aboriginals who stomachs can adapt to this kind of meat). Unfortunately trophy hunting is allowed, and helps fund alot of small arctic communities.
Monkey Brains was at one time believed to be a cure for impotence.
A dish often attributed to China. The Chinese eat the brain while the monkey is still alive.
This is why activists find this so cruel.
The Ortolan, are considered a great delicacy in many countries. the birds are force fed through small tubes until there quite large. The bird is then served to the customer recently killed, and the customer is fed the bird, while biting its head off. The bird is kept in a small dark cage and then drowned in brandy and wine for flavour. If you cant see the cruelty in this, then stop reading.
One of the saddest things Ive ever heard of is eating dolphin. In some parts of Asia, eating dolphin is a 100 hear old tradition. the Asian believe the dolphin is just another species of fish and fish it just like any other. But the deer on the other hand is considered sacred and must not be harmed unlike in other cultures. The dolphin is full of mercury, and has stopped being served at schools, due to the sickness rates in Asia from serving it. The dolphin is caught, hooked then gutted while still alive.
Turtle Soup. One of the main controversies around eating turtle is that some of the species eaten are endangered such as the red ear slider.
Aside from the endangered issue, turtles (like horses, frogs and dogs) are usually seen in the pet category rather then food category.

Shark Fin soup. Since the 1300's shark fin soup has been consumed. Shark fin soup is now being served at all restaurants around the world. Shark fishing has become a larger problem then ever before. Due to the increasing rate of Shark fishing, the ocean ecosystem is now in danger to the decline in the shark population.
In 2006 Yao Ming (basketball star NBA) stopped eating Shark Fin soup in response to the controversy.
Australian crocodile hunter Steve Irwin has been known to walk out of restaurants is they serve Shark fin soup.
The controversy is that many of the sharks are cut, there fin cut off and the shark sent back to sea where they have difficulty swimming and become prey to other sharks. Dried shark fin is also a delicacy and is believed to bring wealth and good fortune.
Foie Gras. Its history beginning in 1200 BC, Foie Gras is the fattened liver of a duck or a goose. resulting in a reach buttery flavor melting in your mouth. the controversy is that the dock or goose is force fed also called "gavage". The force feeding expands there liver rapidly and develops a richer taste for the human to consume at a later date.

In the part 5-10 year eating horse meat has become common among humans. Once only eaten in china and Europe. The controversy surrounding horse meat is that most horses are considered pets or companions rather then a meal. Farms producing horses especially for meat are becoming popular just as farms for chickens or cows.

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