Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This weird looking house is actually made of steel and took 28 years to build by handwork alone!
Though, it called the flying house, this house cant fly at all. However it can be moved and is built on railings and can be made to rise to different heights and face different directions to get out of the suns rays.
Interesting cartoon like pickle barrel house!
Spotted in Tokyo, this house makes use of all available space. It even has space to shelter a small car! Looking like a big safe, this company offers protection and security for famous museum pieces
This building seems a little fishy?! Isn't it obvious....
There was an old lady who lived in a shoe. This most definitely is a mobile house. As the picture isn't quite clear, it looks like the owners can move the tractor where ever they choose. Living in which ever location they please!

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