Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Must Know Facts!

  1. Every 3 days a human stomach gets a new lining.

  2. Orcas (killer whales) when travelling, breathe in unison.

  3. Of married couples, 70% of men and 60% of woman have cheated on their spouses.

  4. More people are killed annually by donkeys, then plane crashes.

  5. No piece of paper, can be folded in half more then 7 times.

  6. A chicken with red earlobes produces brown eggs, chickens with white ear lobes produce white eggs.

  7. Serving icecream on cherry pie was once illegal in kansas.

  8. 2.5 cans of spam are consumed every 5 seconds in the U.S.A

  9. 1/3 of a pound of broccoli contains more Vitamin C then 204 apples.

  10. Dipsomania refers to the insatiable craving for alcoholic beverages.

  11. Macadamia nuts are sold in the shell, because it takes 300 pbs per square of pressure to break the shell.

  12. When Queen Elizabeth the first die she owned more then 3,000 gowns.

  13. The shortest war was between Zanzibar and England, Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.

  14. Toronto was the first city in the world to have computerized traffic signals.

  15. The letter J does not appear anywhere in the pereodic table of elements.

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